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Most Important Home Maintenance For Marin County

4 Essential Home Maintenance Tips for Marin County Homeowners

As a homeowner in Marin County, it is essential to keep up with the maintenance needs of your home. There are several home maintenance tasks that homeowners should be sure to address on a regular basis. With proper attention, these tasks can help prevent serious and costly damage to your home in the future. Let’s take a look at some of the most important home maintenance tips for Marin County homeowners.

water leak emergency, clean up water, water damage

Did your home have a catastrophe damage?

Avoid Damages With Upkeep

Taking care of small details like checking windows and doors for leaks, cleaning gutters regularly, moving firewood away from siding and inspecting roof vents can go a long way towards preventing serious damage to your home down the line in Marin County. Being proactive about regular maintenance tasks now will save you time and money in the long run! After all, it’s better safe than sorry when it comes to protecting one of your biggest investments!

Inspect Windows and Doors for Leaks

Checking your windows and doors for leaks is an important part of home maintenance for Marin County homeowners. Start by inspecting the window and door sills as well as the surrounding trim – including those high windows that you might not typically be able to see from up close. Minor water stains on the sills or trim could be due to condensation, but peeling paint, damaged sheet rock or warped wood may indicate window leaks that need to be fixed. In this case, you may need to apply silicon calk around the edges of a window or even replace certain parts like window trim or windows completely. You should also inspect your doors for any worn weather stripping.

Clean Gutters Regularly

It’s important to keep gutters and downspouts free from debris and leaves so that water can flow freely away from your house during storms. When cleaning out gutters, make sure they are securely attached so they do not pull away from your roof during heavy rainfall or wind gusts. If you have trees near your house, you will want to clean them out more frequently as leaves will often accumulate quickly in these areas during fall months. Clean drains regularly too – this is easier to do when there is already water flowing through them during a storm.

Move Firewood Away From Siding

Moving firewood away from wood decks helps protect against termites and dry rot – both of which can lead to costly repairs down the road if left unchecked. Make sure firewood is stored in an enclosed shed or stacked off-site completely away from your decks and siding so that it does not attract termites or other pests into vulnerable areas of your property.

Check Roof Vents

commercial water damage in office ceiling

Finally, check roof vents periodically for signs of wear-and-tear such as cracks, holes and gaps along seams where two pieces join together at different angles, as these could signify potential problems with ventilation or insulation within your home’s structure over time if left unaddressed. Additionally, double check any flashing around vents (metal strips used around openings) to ensure they are properly sealed against water intrusion too – especially after extended periods of heavy rain!

Need Your Crawl Space Cleaned?

No matter if it’s an emergency or an estimate, we are available 24 hours with technicians to dispatch immediately. National Response Team is here to mediate the situation for you.